

2023-04-11 09:49:08写景作文

The sky of azure blue resembles a huge blue screen, ethereal Bai Yun is Protean like each charmer, some became feather, wave gently in the sky; Some became a flock of group sheep, carefree ground strolls; Some became scale to arrange the ground shipshape; The bronco that returned some to become bolt runs quickly ahead... they adorn the sky too many beautiful things.


Occasionally white Yun Zhui falls horizon, as if to stretch his hand to be able to feel it, soft soft, gently, still can lie to sleep comfortably it seems that shut-eye.


Am I often thinking what olfactory Yun Duo can be? I feel Yun Duo is sweet, because white Yun Duo resembles spun sugar; I feel Yun Duo also is acerbity acid it seems that, because the morning glow of brilliant red resembles extremely the hawkthorn of sour; I feel Yun Duo is OK still again is hard, because the black clouds of a dense mass of resembles a cup of strong black coffee.


The Yun Duo that layer cascade folds resembles a large quilt, the Yan Yan that builds the sky is solid, become the ray downy, hazy blur a bit again. Cool cool cool breeze is being pushed for nothing Yun Duo, endure originally endure squeeze crowded Yun Duo one not careful be blown to come loose,


I look up at a sky, look at white cloud of this blue sky, it seems that all trouble vanished completely along with this cloud, I love this capacious blue sky, beautiful Bai Yun.

