

2023-04-11 09:48:00叙事作文

Saturday in the morning, the sun just gave the door. Birdie is on the tree " chirp " the ground calls ceaseless, holding in the mouth big fat insect, seem to saying: "Insect is really delicious. "Insect is really delicious..


At this moment, a golden in relief illumination comes in, give me shine so that sleep to be not worn.


My drowsily climbs from the bed, had eaten breakfast, sit on the chair. Warm sunshine is hit on my body, my heart thinks: "Mom everyday so painstaking, I should help mom do chore. I should help mom do chore..


Say to work, I run to the balcony to took mop to be washed, go pulling the land. I pulled a kitchen first, the ground of the kitchen 90% by smeary to occupational. My stoop waist procrastinates from inside outside, after more than 20 minutes pass, kitchen floor is pulled neatly eventually.


I am done the hardest again " battlefield " -- sitting room. I extend mop emphatically first into sofa next, next all rubbish procrastinated to come out. Then, ground of firm of the firm before I run to the television again procrastinated more than 100 times. Right now, I already streaming with sweat. But say to oneself in my heart: "Cheer, hold to even if win! Hold to even if win!!


Kongfu does not lose an observant and conscientious person. I drag sitting room floor clean entirely again.


I am preparing to have a break. Abruptly, I discover to have in the home lots and lots of rubbish was not thrown. Then, I had cleared away all rubbish, issued a building to throw away rubbish hurriedly. Return the home, look at clean home, I open result laugh.


Be in at this moment, mom came back. See be cleaned trimly in the home anew, mom praised me not only, still rewarded me!


I am too glad today, next time I help mom partake even housework.

