
二年级英语作文:My most respected person

2024-06-15 16:22:28二年级作文

小学作文频道小编[╭触碰纯白,单色凌‖ゝ]今天给大家整理了《二年级英语作文:My most respected person 》的优秀作文,这篇二年级英语作文:My most respected person 共有450字,是一篇很优秀的原创作文,这篇二年级英语作文:My most respected person 很值得大家参考和学习。

My most respected person is Bin-Laden,because he show no interest in enjoy the normal life of a billionair but donates his whole life to the affairs of fight against the hegemony of the western conuntries.The America invade other weak countries in every excuse such as for the peace,the liberty,the freedom by its strong power.This is so unfair.And Bin Laden stand up for the fair of the world.I respect him so much that he is the symble of the justice in fact but being treated as terrorists by mistake.
