

2024-05-31 21:34:39四年级作文

小学作文频道小编[栀蓝]今天给大家整理了《四年级英语作文:梦想》的优秀作文,这篇四年级英语作文:梦想共有my dream,是一篇很优秀的原创作文,这篇四年级英语作文:梦想很值得大家参考和学习。

I have a dream,and I hope one day it will come true.I dream that I have a harmonious family.I dream that my parents wouldn't scold me when I make mistakes,instead they patiently teach me how correct them.I dream that there were no quarrels or fightings in my family.When the family members argue,they smile and understand and respect each other.I dream that every one in my family is healthy,and they never suffer from illness.I dream that all the people in the family have their job that they love very much,they work but never complain.This is my dream,I will work hard to realize it.
