

2023-05-04 19:01:54400字作文

Love is a lamp, the distance ​ of the travel before enlightening in darkness. Love is the ​ in ​ of a poem, the atrium that warmth longs for.


Today, the ground tells teacher smilingly fellow students ​ : We will undertake “ tomorrow charity contributes mobile ​ one day, ask everybody to bring his pin money ​ display love ​ . Mr. ​” one's voice in speech just fell ​ , classmates begin comment in succession ​ : I contribute “ 50, I contribute 80, I hand in 100 ​……”

今天,老师笑眯眯地告诉同学们​:“明天我们要进行慈善一日捐活动​,请大家把自己的零花钱​带来献爱心吧​。​”老师话音刚落​,同学们就开始议论纷纷​:“我捐50块,我捐80块,我交100块​……”作文 WwW.ZuOwENbA.NeT

After coming home, I tell mom ​ ground of its in full detail, “ Mom, I should contribute 100​ ! ” mom replies: “ child, contribution how many not important, important is you it is to taking love to contribute ​ , do not contribute too much, contribute 50 ​ . ​” but, I do not listen, say to her: “ I also am to taking an intention to contribute, said again, we are not once a week ​ ! ” but, this word cannot persuade mother however, she still gave me 50 only, the ​ in my heart still is accurate ​ , also should contribute the least 60 ​ . ​


If remembering mom says to me: The pocket money of the study is your ​ . I begin gently ground to take a study, take 10 money slowly, apace runs a study. The following day ​ , I sneak away with respect to the plantar —— that wipe oil, run the school ​ . Although contributed 60 money ​ only, but want to be able to give impoverished family to buy many jins of 20 rice at least, still hold out glad ​ . ​


Everybody picks up firewood blaze tall. What in be like a song, singing in that way ​ , want everybody to give a bit love only, the world will turn good world into ​ . ​

