

2023-04-30 01:02:00500字作文

Do not know everybody to discover summer is hotter and hotter in recent years, american air temperature also reached the high temperature of 50 ℃ , light is Russia straps ridge city to have 107 people death.


50 ℃ have American air temperature much hotter everybody may be unthinkable, 40 ℃ of Pu Yang are less than everybody to had not wanted to go out, 50 ℃ should have much more horrible everybody to should understand.


Recently, a heat wave is being raided to the United States, major area achieved the history highest temperature. And rose mushroom of a " to be like cloud " because of extreme weather unexpectedly in Canada, be destroyed completely almost over there. According to U.N. statistic, this high temperature had guided 600 much people die.作文 wWw.ZUOweNbA.nEt


Even this kind of high temperature makes driveway hot tearing, the wall outside some buildings still must be melted by heat, what the floor heats up is direct and OK when burner, decoct egg. In do not list bump but equal inferior province, happened 168 cases in all


Silvan fire. Situation of a few fire already out of control, ham area is as high as 310 square kilometer, the country is so big in having near 1/3 fully! Smother plus high temperature weather, bring about come to help, put out a fire becomes difficult and clinking, can look at conflagration to spread gradually only. Helpless however.


This tragedy does not know when to just can written guarantee come, but they swing this boiler to China however. According to " new York Times " report, chinese mouth is huge, and to the flesh kind demand is exorbitant. In occupational more forest land gets the meat kind when, rain forest area can be reduced.


But, have an United States advocate sow however government of refute United States, american new energy resources occupies than having 12% only China to have 23% , china or world's greatest clean energy resources produces a country.


The earth after all how? Someone says is hot dome phenomenon, someone says is the whole world calefacient, but no matter how, protecting ball area always is right, we must have been protected, just cherish is good the world that our Lai Yisheng puts, this ability is the mankind when exert urgent.

